Make your own 3D PET BIRD picture....

This activity offers children a range of learning skills and expands their creative side letting their imagination explore a range of colours, textures and design.

Let them choose what to put where. Using real life materials like the feathers and tree branches makes this 3D project really come to life.

First explore your yard or local park. Then home to make it all. 

Here is a fun arts and craft project to do with your kids, they will love this one!
You will need:
  • A canvas picture square to hang on the wall once made (you can use cardboard).
  • Real birds feathers (you can buy these if you cant find them).
  • A twig, small tree branch (similar width of canvas you are using).
  • PVA glue.
  • Green felt pieces or cardboard or paper.
  • Little bugs or insects (I used foam ones, but stickers will work too).
  • Textas, pencil and eraser.
  • Googly eyes.
  • Coloured sequences.
  1. Using a pencil, draw your bird- I copied a picture from a kids book of a bird we liked. Then I added extra bits like a branch he was standing on.
  2. Glue on feathers, roughly checking first where they will go and how many you will need to cover the whole bird (except head).
  3. Outline the bird with a thin black marker.
  4. Glue on eyes and any extra sequences or decorations you would like.
  5. Glue on tree branch or green felt cut to the shape of grass and length of canvas.
  6. Finally colour any last parts you think need to be.
  7. Stick on bugs and insects.
  8. Leave flat overnight to make sure PVA glue has completely dried before hanging up (If you do not leave it to completely dry, the objects will slide off and glue will drip off picture).
This is the book picture I copied

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