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Home made I SPY GAME
Home made I SPY GAME
These are fun to make as you can design it however you want and either make random ones like I have or make them with a theme (particular colours, sea creatures, animals, assorted shape buttons).
GREAT FOR THE CAR when going on long trips.
Fantastic for cognitive (thinking) skills. Great for your children's memory and concentration.
I chose 20 random objects (avoid sharp things due to piercing bag) and then I laid them onto paper, ruled lines then placed an item in each section and took photos.
I edited photos by cropping onto a word document and printed it out just from my home printer.
Laminate to keep protected, put a hole punch in the corner then pop through a key ring.
I placed all objects into a zip lock bag once I had taken photos, then added rice to fill loosely, still giving room for the rice to be moved around.
Superglue the top closed where you zip it closed, put a whole punch in corner of bag, then join with picture card you have laminated.
All done.... yes it's a bit of work, but I enjoyed making it. It's easy, just a little time consuming with a few steps.
I spy with my little eye....................
Thank you to my sister for giving me this idea :-)
GREAT FOR THE CAR when going on long trips.
Fantastic for cognitive (thinking) skills. Great for your children's memory and concentration.
I chose 20 random objects (avoid sharp things due to piercing bag) and then I laid them onto paper, ruled lines then placed an item in each section and took photos.
I edited photos by cropping onto a word document and printed it out just from my home printer.
Laminate to keep protected, put a hole punch in the corner then pop through a key ring.
I placed all objects into a zip lock bag once I had taken photos, then added rice to fill loosely, still giving room for the rice to be moved around.
Superglue the top closed where you zip it closed, put a whole punch in corner of bag, then join with picture card you have laminated.
All done.... yes it's a bit of work, but I enjoyed making it. It's easy, just a little time consuming with a few steps.
I spy with my little eye....................
Thank you to my sister for giving me this idea :-)
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