Kids - make your toy people their very own BUS

You will need to pre plan for this activity as you will need:
  • an empty clean milk carton or tissue box or even a disposable glove box (or anything similar).
  • plastic bottle tops.
  • 2 small child size clean plastic yoghurt tubs
  • clean empty plastic biscuit tray (like the tray the tim tams sit in)
  • coloured contact adhesive or paint (to cover cardboard box).
  • white rectangle stickers (to become number plates for front and back.
  • black marker.
  • sticky tape and PVA glue (roll on glue stick may work).
  • little dolls, teddies or toy people to sit in the bus.
  • piece of plastic as a windscreen (I used plastic from the packaging of a kids toy)
  • thin wooden craft sticks (like a large pointless toothpick)
  1. Check out the photos and make something similar or add your own personal touch.
  2. Cut out the top of the tissue box leaving a rim around edge. If painting instead of using contact adhesive, paint now before you start and wait to dry before you go on.
  3. Pop in 2 yoghurt tubs and then place biscuit tray on top and tape to sides.
  4. Glue/tape on plastic as windscreen, add wooden craft sticks as windscreen wipers.
  5. Cut coloured contact adhesive to fit around bus, 4 sides and then the top rim.
  6. Glue on bottle tops as wheels and 2 on front and 2 on back as headlights.
  7. Put white rectangle sticker between headlights on front and back and add your personal rego (child's name, surname or nickname).
  8. Sit your small people, dolls or teddies into the bus seats (biscuit tray) and your ready to play.
Make sure you sing 'the wheels on the bus'.... always a favourite!

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