KIDS- Make a holiday journal as you travel

Before holidays, give your children (preschool age and older)
  •  a notebook
  •  pen
  • disposable camera
to keep a travel journal each day. Tips for 2-3 year olds listed below.

This will keep them entertained, be fun and exciting and its something they can use for show and tell once back home. Kids will love showing their friends all the cool things they did. Or they can keep it just for themselves to look back on one day.

If the child is 2-3 years old, they can still make a travel journal. Let the child draw their own pictures of what they see and do and let them do 'their own writing'. Then you (mum and dad) can write a few words about their day, or maybe they can tell you what to write. Ask them what their favourite thing was for the day and that can be added. Let them go wild with the camera, the pictures will be fun and interesrting to see upon returning home. Your camera will have real photos that can be used as well, but they will have a blast snapping away. Who knows- they may actually end up with a couple of really great shots :-)
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