Children go through stages where they become bored with their toys or least some of their things. One way to prevent this happening and being able to offer your child new and exciting things is to have a basket of toys "disappear" for a couple of weeks then turn up again one day when they have been forgotten about. Its an inexpensive way of providing your child with fresh toys and games that you know they will love and enjoy to play with.

Each week make sure you always have available:

  1. Books- an assortment of fun & learning books (borrow from your local library if needed)
  2. Blocks of some type- duplo, coloured wooden blocks, lego, alphabet/learning blocks. Alternate the different types of blocks each week.
  3. Soft and cuddly toys, a doll or two with dolls pram and a push along toy or stand still activity table for small children learning to stand and walk.
  4. Pictures on the walls where they play of anything you like. We mix it up with pictures they have drawn or made for art or wildlife and animal pictures.
- Then have tubs/baskets where you can alternate each week to mix it up. The kids will go crazy in those first couple of days after you put a different tub/basket out as it will have been weeks since they have played with all those toys.
- You can keep it simple and have only 2 tubs that you swap over every week or if you have lots of toys you may have 4 tubs, therefore each tub is out for one week every month. This definitely keeps the surprise factor of new toys alive because kids will forget about half the things in there.
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